Some said, it will be difficult to enforce
restrictions and distancing, as well as family bubbles and reduced
and reduced hours of operation.
Others said, but why not, people are responsible enough
responsible and since these measures must be enforced,
they’ve figured out why things are the way they are.
Some said, can we trust the people who will come to practice this sport
come to practice this sport of fishing for small fish in the channels
people who come from risky areas???
Others said, but why not, these people do not want to be contaminated
than us to be contaminated and to contaminate other people.
There were a thousand and one reasons to doubt at the very beginning of the season
but let me assure you that we were right to trust our customers
our customers and that Public Health was right to trust us.
to trust us.
We have nothing but congratulations for all those people who have
people who helped make our 2020-2021 small channel fish season a success.
season to go off without a hitch. Please know that
that people are so respectful of the rules and regulations and
respectful of the rules and find it very normal to ask them to do so.
we make to them. Requests that are the same as everywhere else, that is to say
the wearing of a mask, the disinfection of the hands and a form to be
form to be filled out certifying that no one in the bubble is waiting for a
result of Covid or have symptoms related to this same virus. The
people are willing to show their proof of residency.
The fact that families had the opportunity, for one day,
to live as if everything was normal delighted many.
How many times did we hear families thank us for opening our
for opening our outfitters to allow them to do an activity that is allowed
activity allowed in family.
Our season is unfolding in the image of the year that has just passed
but it is no less interesting and rewarding.
The outfitters of Ste-Anne-de-la-Pérade have met
beautiful families wanting to spend time together. We surely do not
certainly do not want the pandemic to continue but that these
but that these habits of having great family activities remain.
Fishing for small channel fish was unknown for many and seduced
Many people did not know how to fish for small channel fish, so maybe we’ll see you next year!
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