The countdown has begun… only 6 days left and the season of fishing for small channel fish will be officially launched. An 84th fishing season; yes, already 84 years of this beautiful winter sport that we practice sometimes with family and sometimes with friends. For me, it is the 45th season that I am starting with the same frenzy as all the others. The happiness of seeing year after year clients who have often become friends. Happiness also to meet new faces for whom fishing for small channel fish will become a new tradition. This season will be special because the previous one was spent with several sanitary restrictions due to the situation with Covid-19. We will remember that season when many clients could not come to the fishery because it was forbidden to come and fish with other people than their own family bubble. This time around, the health authorities are a little less restrictive while putting caution first of course. We, the outfitters of the Ste-Anne River in Ste-Anne-de-la-Pérade, can only rejoice to be able to operate not only during the day but also with night fishing as in past years. During the day, families with children are more numerous for fishing and outdoor activities. In the evening, we often fish with friends and take advantage of the opportunity to party a little bit in a reasonable way it goes without saying. So whether you are friends, family or co-workers, everyone can come and have fun fishing for small channel fish. And not to be overlooked, in February we will be back with our Festival during which many activities and shows will be announced soon. Keep your eyes open so you don’t miss anything. To your phones or your screens and reserve your places… 418-325-2402